Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Getting Organized

I am happy to report that I have completed 3 of the 6 unfinished projects lying around the house. The remaining 3 include 2 afghans (which I will try to work on every now and then) and 1 sweater vest (which I have lost the pattern to and will probably have to scrap). I spent some time over the weekend organizing all the patterns I had into a binder divided by project type. Next on the list is rounding up all of my yarn and finding some kind of container for all of it.

Most of the patterns I use are the free ones you can find online. The pattern I chose for my January project came from the ideas section on a craft store website. I will be making the One-Skein Crochet Beret & Scarf set.

This weekend I set out to find the yarn for my January project. It took me a while to finally decide on a combination of two solid colors for this project; a medium grey and a dark magenta. The craft store was having a sale on almost all of their yarn and although I wanted to walk out with an entire shopping cart, I managed to buy only what I needed for the project. I’ll probably start working on this over the holiday weekend.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

What is The Crochet Project?

Webster’s New World Dictionary defines the word “project” as “an organized undertaking”. My organized undertaking is to complete at least one crochet project per month throughout 2010. I plan to document and share my progress on each project from start to finish via this blog. Depending on how my projects turn out, I may put a few up for sale.

One of my favorite things about crocheting is standing in the yarn aisle of the local craft store and deciding on a yarn choice for my newest project. The problem is, I do this entirely too often and find that I start too many new projects without completing the old ones (I currently have 6 projects that are waiting to be finished). I’m hoping that keeping up with this blog will help me to stay on track and work on one project at a time.

The next week or so will be spent trying to finish all those partially done projects and deciding on my January project.